Manage IHS Solar Retrofit

Site Name IHS_KEB_0827A
Engineer Name Yusuf utohu Ibrahim
Date of Survery 2023-04-08
Dimension of Site 12m by 12m
Dimension of Security House No by No
Dimension of Site Gate 3m by 3m
Solar on site Yes
Is there space for another Solar Structure No
No of Solar Structures on Site 4
No of solar panels 20
How many panels can fit to the space 14
Dimension of solar breadth 2.3 by 0.46mm
Dimension of one panel 1.96m by 1.2
Distance between the rectifer to the Solar Structure 2
Site Signage
Front View of the Site
Back View of the Site
Left View of the Site
Right View of the Site
Aerial view of the site (North View)
Aerial view of the site (South View)
Aerial view of the site (East View)
Aerial view of the site (West View)
FreeHand Drawing of the site
Comment on the generator Ok
Comment on the Existing Structures Ok

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