Manage Date Customer Firstname Lastname Phone Number Site ID List of Items Vandalised Comment
Manage 2023-08-19IHSIGWEMOSES08036107891IHS_GOM_0894R3 pieces of 48v/100amph Huawei batteries. 3 pieces of Huawei batteries stolen, cables cut.
Manage 2023-08-19IHSIGWEMOSES08036107891IHS_GOM_0894R3 pieces of 48v/100amph Huawei lithium batteries. Site vandalized and 3 pieces of Huawei lithium batteries stolen.
Manage 2023-08-18IHSTestTest08024705233GICL_BOR_1142Rnullnull
Manage 2023-06-14IHSAgbileEdward Ugande09041615568IHS_GOM_0876ROne batteryOne battery taken away but every other things are intact.
Manage 2023-01-12IHSAkinladeAdesina08024705233GICL_BOR_1141Rtsetest
Manage 2022-10-19IHSJACKSONUNYAA08027094710IHS_KAD_1481SCWS cable, GW antenna cable and IFL cable cut cut off.The security will meet the Mai angwa to discuss engagement of community to assist as Mai angwa was not around at the of visit.
Manage 2022-09-29IHSJACKSONUNYAA08027094710IHS_KAD_1493SFence torn open before the apprehended the criminal.Fence torn open
Manage 2022-10-08IHSJACKSONUNYAA08027094710IHS_KAD_1481SIFL cable, GW antenna cable and one panel cable.Vandalized IFL. cable replaced. and join made on the rest cable that restored the site.
Manage 2022-08-25IHSJACKSONUNYAA08027094710IHS_KAD_1493SSolar cables vandalized (two panels)The vandalized cables were joined and site restored.

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