Manage IHS Solar Retrofit

Site ID Ihs -Abj-0253B
Installer Name emmanuel Ukpai
Date of Survery 2023-06-28
Region Abuja
State Federal Capital Territory
Installer Contact 09039271814
Type of Solar panel Jingo
Number of solar panel installed 15
Is New Structure on Site Yes
No of solar panels 3
No of old Structure 2
No of Panels on Old Structure 1 6
No of Panels on Old Structure 2 6
No of Panels on Old Structure 3 0
No of Panels on Old Structure 4 0
Are all structures earthed?
Are all structures in good physical condition free of rust and bends?
Are all panels earthed?
Are the PV panels all connected?
Are the solar junction boxes (SJB) earthed?
Are all PV panels securely connected and properly labelled?
Are all connections done with connectors?
Is the cable from Junction box/String to Solar Controller available on site?
Are the cables properly routed and in appropriate trunking?
String Voltage for all strings (Voc)
Type and rating of all Circuit Breakers Used
Areal view of all solar Panels
Decommission Panels
Site Signage

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